BIOL101 Exam 2

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 47
  • Available Oct 15, 2021 at 10am - Oct 15, 2021 at 10:55am 55 minutes
  • Time Limit 75 Minutes


BIOL101 Exam 2 – Chapters 6-9

Instructions: You have 55 minutes to complete this exam. 

Codon table:


Alleles for ABO blood type: IA, IB, i 


This test requires the use of HonorLock. You will need to have the video and audio features enabled on your laptop to take the exam. I will review all HonorLock warnings or flags that you get, so do not worry about warning messages from HonorLock that pop up as you take the test if you are not cheating. However, if you are caught cheating (looking at a cell phone or notes, talking to other people about the test, or letting someone look at your test), you will get a zero for the exam that you cannot drop and the incident will be recorded on your student record.  



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